Earth Day on 22 April 2024
Get ready to commemorate Earth Day like never before! Eco Roots Foundation, in collaboration with Earth Day Network, presents a distinctive Earth Day event on 22 April 2024. This year’s theme, “Planet vs. Plastics,” will be brought to life through three engaging avenues –
- PlastiCraft Expressions on Earth Day Art and Craft Exhibition,
- Eco Theatre contest on Planet vs. Plastics, and
- Online Eco Quiz.
All three activities are open for students in grades 6 to 8 except the quiz, which will be conducted in two categories – Junior (grades 6 to 8) and Senior (grades 9 to 12).
Join us in this unique celebration where creativity meets advocacy, and knowledge merges with action to protect our planet. By participating in the Online Eco Quiz, students contribute to a culture of environmental stewardship and responsibility, aligning with the ethos of Earth Day.
The Online Eco Quiz aims to enhance environmental knowledge and awareness among students in two categories: Classes 6 to 8 and Classes 9 to 12 focusing on the theme “Planet vs. Plastics”. It serves as a platform to foster critical thinking and eco-conscious attitudes while commemorating Earth Day. Beyond assessment, the quiz is designed to stimulate critical thinking and foster eco-conscious attitudes among the younger generation.
- Format: The competition will be conducted entirely online, ensuring participation from students across India. Individuals from diverse geographical locations can participate, fostering inclusivity and accessibility. The quiz will feature thought-provoking questions covering topics such as environmental sustainability, plastic pollution, and conservation practices.
- Eligibility: Registration is open to all students residing in India and studying in Class 6 to 12 as on 22 April 2024 and only one registration per participant is allowed.
- Last Date of Registration – Registration is open now. To receive the link for the quiz and other information you need to register by midnight Indian Standard Time on April 7, 2024.
- Prizes and Recognition: All participants will receive e-certificates of participation.
- Data Privacy: All the data from participants being collected like their name, email address, telephone number, and school’s name shall only be used for the quiz’s purpose and with registration, it is duly consented.
- Amendment: Organizers reserve the right to amend or withdraw the quiz and its terms and conditions under unforeseen circumstances.
- Responsibility: Organizers will not be liable for lost, late, incomplete entries, or those not transmitted due to errors beyond their reasonable control.
- Acceptance: By entering the competition, participants accept and agree to abide by the provided Terms and Conditions.
Please make a note of the following with reference to the final quiz –
- Date and Participation: The competition commemorates Earth Day and is scheduled for Sunday, 14 April 2024 (one weeks before Earth Day.
- Duration: The quiz will have 50 multiple choice questions to be answered within 60 minutes.
- Decision: The organizers’ decisions regarding the quiz will be final and binding.
- Initiation: The quiz will commence upon clicking the “Start Quiz” button at the link provided via email to the registered candidates.
Registration form - Eco Quiz
To make it more competitive on the real aspects like messaging, dialogues, concept, we have limited the Eco- Theatre to be in the form of Nukkad Natak only on the theme of ‘Planet vs. Plastics.‘
This calls on raising awareness and educating the audience (particularly students of Classes 6 to 8), about the detrimental effects of plastic pollution on the environment. Through engaging performances, the Eco-Theatre should aim to inspire action and promote sustainable practices, encouraging individuals to minimize plastic usage and adopt eco-friendly alternatives. By catalyzing positive change and empowering participants to become advocates for environmental conservation, the Eco-Theatre serves as a powerful tool for fostering a sense of responsibility towards the planet and inspiring collective action towards a greener, healthier future.
Registration – Registration is open now and the last date to register for the Eco Theatre is 30 March 2024 with final names of participants.
Team Composition: Each team should have a a minimum of 5 and maximum of 6 students.
Performance Duration: The maximum time allotted for the street play is 7 minutes and teams exceeding the performance time will face negative marking.
Props and Materials: Teams using props must bring their own and no props or materials will be provided by the organizers. Teams are responsible for removing all props and set items after their performance.
Travel and Accommodation: Teams must arrange their own travel and No travel allowance will be provided by the organizers.
Judging Criteria: The decision of the judges will be final and binding.
Teams will be allotted a code and referred to only by the code. School names shall not be disclosed at any stage.
Teams must maintain decency and decorum in behaviour, attire, and performance.
Abusive language and indecent behaviour will result in disqualification.
Languages permitted are English and Hindi, with a mixture of both acceptable.
Eligibility: Participants must be students in Classes 6 to 8 and from the same school in Delhi NCR.
Prohibited Items: Fluids, live animals, flames, heavy objects, colors, or any material with potential to damage the venue are strictly prohibited.
Any such practices will result in disqualification.