Earth Day on 22 April 2024
Get ready to commemorate Earth Day like never before! Eco Roots Foundation, in collaboration with Earth Day Network, presents a distinctive Earth Day event on 22 April 2024. This year’s theme, “Planet vs. Plastics,” will be brought to life through three engaging avenues –
- PlastiCraft Expressions on Earth Day Art and Craft Exhibition,
- Eco Theatre contest on Planet vs. Plastics, and
- Online Eco Quiz.
All three activities are open for students in grades 6 to 8 except the quiz, which will be conducted in two categories – Junior (grades 6 to 8) and Senior (grades 9 to 12).
Join us in this unique celebration where creativity meets advocacy, and knowledge merges with action to protect our planet. By participating in the Online Eco Quiz, students contribute to a culture of environmental stewardship and responsibility, aligning with the ethos of Earth Day.
The PlastiCraft Expressions is an Art and Craft Competition themed around “Planet vs. Plastics” offers a unique platform for students in Classes 6 to 8 to express their creativity while addressing pressing environmental concerns. Participants are tasked with creating artworks or craft pieces that reflect their interpretation of the theme, focusing on the juxtaposition between the beauty of our planet and the detrimental effects of plastic pollution. Through a variety of mediums such as painting, sculpture, collage, or mixed media, students have the opportunity to convey powerful messages and advocate for sustainable practices. This competition not only encourages artistic expression but also fosters a sense of environmental stewardship and responsibility among the younger generation. By showcasing their talents and raising awareness about the urgent need to combat plastic pollution, participants play a vital role in inspiring positive change and shaping a greener, more sustainable future.
- Theme: Participants are required to create artwork or craft pieces based on the theme “Planet vs. Plastics”, encouraging creative exploration and expression.
- Composition: Only school registration is allowed and a school may register with a team with minimum 2 and maximum 4 students in each team comprising of students from Classes 6 to 8 only.
- Judging Criteria: Entries will be evaluated based on creativity, originality, adherence to the theme, and overall artistic expression. The decision of the judges will be final and binding.
- Prohibited Items: Participants must refrain from using any materials that could potentially harm the environment or pose a safety hazard.
- Prizes and Recognition: Winners will be awarded based on the judging criteria, with certificates of participation provided to all participants.
- Stall Composition on Earth Day – The stall would have space enough to showcase 1 working or non working model or 1 of your art or craft piece which could be unique. Other than this, 2 chart papers and 4 drawing sheets would be allowed to display to populate the stall.
Timelines –
17 April 2024- Last date to register as a School with all details of the team members.
17 April 2024 – Submission of one photo or video showcasing one of the items the team wants to showcase at the Exhibition Competition.
20 April 2024 – Shortlisted 20 schools would be notified and they would get to participate in the main event to be held on 22 April 2024.
Experience the intersection of art, theatre, and knowledge-sharing through our PlastiCraft Expressions on Earth Day Art and Craft Exhibition, Eco-Theatre contest, and an engaging Online Eco Quiz.
Let’s unite in our efforts to protect and preserve our planet, fostering a greener and more sustainable future for all.